How to Benefit from Good Weight Loss Programs

How to Benefit from Good Weight Loss Programs,There are many good weight lose programs that have helped many people who have followed them as required. These weight lose programs take different approaches with the general aim of cutting down weight and maintaining the results. Most people who start to follow these programs usually give up along the way or do not follow them properly therefore they don't see tangible results. Before you get into any weight loss program you must know that it will require commitment and dedication in order to succeed. You can take time to compare and choose a weight loss program that suits you

It is a simple fact that when you eat too many calories you will get fat, and if you reduce your calorie intake you will shed weight. A good weight loss program will emphasize ways of reducing calorie intake. This means changing what you eat so that you start eating healthier foods and avoiding the harmful ones. It also means changing the quantity of food you consume as you have to start eating smaller portions. The frequency of eating also has to reduce as you will be required to avoid eating or snacking all the time if you are to successfully shed some weight

All the good weight loss programs require you to eat properly and regularly. Avoid any programs that require you to starve yourself as a means of losing weight. You body still needs a regular supply of all the types of nutrients in sufficient quantities. On the contrary, avoid overeating or turning to food for comfort or consolation when you are stressed. Many people have been gaining weight without knowing because they resort to emotional eating. You should have a proper meal plan which you should stick to vey strictly if you want to successfully lose weight

Your weight losing diet needs to be filled with healthy foods that make you full without adding too much calories. Foods high in fiber are very good for any weight losing diet. They will make you fell satisfied for  a long time therefore you wont be eating too frequently. These include beans, lentils, peas and other legumes. Whole grains are also a good component of high fiber diet. They include cereals like brown rice, oatmeal, whole wheat and pasta. Fresh fruits and green vegetables are also very important and should form part of every meal you take during the day

All the good weight losing programs recognize the importance of exercise when you are trying to lose weight. Exercise helps to burn calories and excess fat. If you are engaged in little or no physical activities during the day, you won't make much progress even if you are on the best weight losing diet. You need to exert yourself a little in order to burn the excess calories so that they don't get deposited as excess fat in various parts of your body leading to weight gain. A good weight losing program will combine both a good diet plan and regular exercise

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Information About Slim Fast - Lose Weight and Feel Great Diet Plan

Information About Slim Fast - Lose Weight and Feel Great Diet Plan,We have all heard of the Slim Fast Diet plan because it has been around for 20 years now and is more popular than ever. They used to use Tommy Lasorda as their pitch man and he was great because he used the plan and lost a lot of weight. Now the company has moved on to Fitness Models and they have helped the brand become as popular as it is

Learn how to find the: Best Diet Plan

The original product was there famous shakes which is a meal replacement. They have since added many different snack bars and drink powders to there line of weigh loss products

Find Great Advice About: Loosing Weight

The company has always promoted not only using there weight loss products but to mix there products with a balanced diet and exercise plan. Recently the company has released a new weight loss product called Slim Fast Optima, and the advantage to using this product is that it is a low sugar alternative to the original Slim Fast Drink

Studies show that Slim Fast works and has helped people have substantial weight loss and they have also been able to keep the weight off. It also showed that over a 10 year period the people who used the weight loss drink were on average 33 pounds thinner than those who did not. The study was done in a particular community and is one of the largest studies done of its kind

People sometimes question a meal replacement plan that when you return to regular eating that you will gain all the weight back. The studies show that the habit that is formed from not having that meal will continue and that you will feel full and will not want to eat a large meal

Fasting, Losing Weight and Stop Smoking

Fasting, Losing Weight and Stop Smoking,This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Fountain of Youth Summit, which can be found at In this excerpt, Dr. Gabriel Cousens answers questions about the safety of fasting, losing weight and smoking cessation with fasting
The Fountain of Youth World Summit with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, the founder of Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center and author of "Conscious Eating" and "Spiritual Nutrition

KEVIN: Some people will say fasting is unhealthy. What do you have to say about that

GABRIEL: Well, there is a quote from Atheneus, a Greek physician, he said, "Fasting cures disease, dries up bodily humors, puts demons to flight, gets rid of the impure thoughts, makes the mind clear, and the heart pure, and the body sanctified, and raises humanity to the throne of God." And again, you're talking about, you know, 2000 years of observation. Fasting is extremely safe. Now, let's qualify what we say, when we say fasting is extremely safe. We are talking about a 1-week fast, extremely safe


GABRIEL: Humans on water can go 40 days and may naturally push on it. We do not recommend that at all and I just can go a 100 days. We do green juice fasting here. We don't use any foods because it is way too sweet and it creates sugar imbalances and aggravates diabetes and hypoglycemia, which we don't like to do. We use green juices and in the juices, you get the minerals and the enzymes which help stimulate and support the fasting process. The problem with water fasting, while we don't really recommend it and try to discourage people, is that even though you obviously get detoxification from it, you get really weak and so you can't really enjoy life in the same way. The second thing is the mineral deficiencies can show up being the heart palpitations and other kind of weaknesses that are actually potentially dangerous. We don't have that on juice test. So, those are the big things, plus you got the enzymes in the vital life force. I mean, there's vital life force. We only at the Tree of Life, we only use organic


GABRIEL: And it is fresh, very very fresh, like within a few minutes. So people are getting the tremendous vital life force in nature. We said that earth and water elements are being really actively pooled into the system. This is really safe. We've been doing this for, you know, since 1988. Well, that's quite a few years. That's almost 20 years now


GABRIEL: And no one has really, really had problem. Water fasting, different things. So there may be a crossover. People say fasting, end. Now, there's another thing that we need to understand is that going without food is immediately threatening the people. Why? Because the Americans overeat. And why do they overeat? Not just because they like being the numbness of bowel toxicity, which is what happens, you get numbed out when you overeat, but it is a way of suppressing emotions


GABRIEL: I am depressed. I am going to treat myself, you know, or I am going to celebrate, so you eat all those kinds of junk food. I don't know what kind of a celebration it is, but apparently some people say this is a celebration


GABRIEL: And so, this is the point, and does that make sense? This fear because it goes into an ego defense called eating, if you see what I am saying


GABRIEL: And the fact is we can live a really long time without eating food, you know, on liquids. You do not have to, but a week fast is completely safe

KEVIN: Right. And what are some of the longevity benefits from not eating as much? I guess it's the best way to say it. What are some of the studies on that? What are some of the things that have been proven to show that this is the case

GABRIEL: That is a good question. Dr. Spindler who is a biochemist at the UC Riverside, published in Science, the magazine, in 2001 a research he did with rats and he underfed them 40%, and after 1 month, the rats had a 400% increase in the anti-aging gene expression. He was using 1100 gene chip-type system at 400% and also anti-aging and anti-inflammatory. So what he concluded, now there's lots of research since the early 1900s that the less you eat, the longer you live, that's clear. But you usually thought it was actually just slowing the aging process down, right


GABRIEL: But now we are talking something different after Spindler's research. You're actually activating the anti-aging genes. You actually had the potential to reverse the aging process. That is the whole of the statement

KEVIN: Wow. It does not stop, it's reversed



GABRIEL: And what happens when you are fasting? Fasting usually begins in the 2nd or 3rd day and when the body goes into what we call autolysis where it begins going after the dead and dying cells, OK, and clearing them out. The pre-cancer cells and the not so healthy cells. And so that process speeds up. So by the end of the fast by 7 days, you have increased the healthy vibrant cells and you have decreased the dead and dying the cells, so you're really into a rejuvenation process. You see what I am saying


GABRIEL: Whereas before, when you're toxic, there are a lot more dead and dying cells because they had all the toxins and then they couldn't survive or they are half alive. That's how most people feel anyway, they're half alive

KEVIN: Sure. I've heard that before. Yeah

GABRIEL: And that's what we are talking about. But the research is, the literature is enormous and the basic summary of all the research, animal research and human research, the cultures that are long-lived like the Karmacoma Indians in Ecuador I think in the 100s, is that their calorie intake is half as much as other people


GABRIEL: Because they're primarily, not a 100%, but primarily vegan


GABRIEL: So those seem to be the 2 things. Eating the animal products can secrete a lot more toxicity and speed up the aging process

KEVIN: OK. And now let's say I wanted to put together a fast on my own, I mean , is that advised to 7-day fast on your own? I mean, would you lock yourself in a room with a juicer? I mean, what kind of protocol would someone consider taking

GABRIEL: Well, what really happens here is that it's really a generally good idea to have somebody guide you the first time


GABRIEL: Because as a holistic physician, as a kind of yogi, you know, I did the 40-day fast but that's an exception. I do not recommend that for most people. It's not that safe you know, OK. So it's really good to have a run through


GABRIEL: In about a year or two, I will be coming out with the book on spiritual fasting but right now I'm writing a book on diabetes and I don't really have time. But after that then what we see a pattern as what people will do, maybe fast at home and may be come here twice a year, so they're doing it that way. What you want is an optimal situation where you are vitalizing the body, so where you can get good sun, fresh air, healthy water, and you know, clean organic juices. That's what you want

KEVIN: Yes. So you wouldn't recommend anyone go into their high stress job

GABRIEL: Right. Because the body doesn't open up. The body...that's work, in that the body has to be able to relax to let go to heal itself


GABRIEL: And if you're going to continue, you can do it. You can lose weight that way. Let's put it that way


GABRIEL: And aside from losing weight, there's not nearly as much healing because a high stress job tends to shut the body down. It doesn't tend to go into that kind of place where it really works to heal

KEVIN: And do you recommend a fast for people who want to lose weight

GABRIEL: That's the best way to lose weight


GABRIEL: For the last 5000 years, it's been the best way. We have started 2 programs here. One is what we call juice feasting which involves really liquids and juices, 4 juices a day and then blended fruit


GABRIEL: And people could be on that for a 100-120 days if they do really, really, really well, and they lose weight gradually, you know. In live food itself, we could lose about 100 pounds in a year


GABRIEL: Because with live food you can eat half as much. Because when you cook your food, you lose 50% of the protein and 70%-80% of vitamins and minerals and up to 95% or so of the phytonutrients. Well, the math is simple. If you just simply go on live food, you eat half as much. That means you take in half as many calories. You're taking double the nutrition but half the calories and the result is you lose weight

KEVIN: A 100 pounds in a year. That's pretty intense

GABRIEL: Yes. But it happens gradually and you're not doing any physiological tricks. This is very important. Fasting is not a physiological trick. You're actually helping the body accelerate the process. Now, during that time, your stomach tends to shrink and so you will not be that hungry. You really start to lose that interest. So we have, you know, let's say, a lot of people have done 70-day fast, 85-day fast for weight loss. And that's usually people who are between 100-200 pounds overweight

GABRIEL: It's a very good thing that is also a very good for smoking. Agatha Trash, and I don't know if she is alive but she and her husband are the 2 physicians at the head of anti-smoking clinic in Arkansas and they saw over 3000 successful cases of helping people to get off cigarettes. Why? Well, fasting helps you lose your cellular memory for your toxins. OK. And it also alkalinizes you. The result is that when you're alkalinize, it's a lot easier to break the nicotine habit


GABRIEL: The moment that you get 5 days, it's really good, 7 days is really excellent. Now when you use a few other homeopathic remedies and things like that, pack and release to help people break their smoking habits. But then we also recommend the psychological aspect and that's why we use the Zero Point Course, which we use to do 1 day afterwards. So, they're linked, but fasting is really good for all of us. It's so simple. It's really quite simple

KEVIN: Right. What are some of the best things to juice? What are some of the best things that will get you the most minerals

GABRIEL: I think the thing that's most important is the organic


GABRIEL: And we get whatever is in season although we use a lot of cucumbers and celery because they have lots of minerals particularly sodium which we need, healthy sodium, and flushes out the toxic sodium in the system. And then we get whatever greens are in season. And mostly, we are growing a lot of our own, but we also will use beet and carrot diluted, which is good for the liver


GABRIEL: But what were finding is it doesn't matter. We really...basically, if you're doing juice fasting, everything gets better
 Don’t Believe the Haters! Lose Weight CAN STAY GONE!,Rumor has it that weight once lost is found again. If not found every time, it’s regained at least 99% of the time. The discouraging statistic for maintaining a loss is so often repeated that some people who would like to lose weight, and who would benefit both health-wise and personally, won’t even try

They ask themselves, “what’s the use if it will all be right back again

Others consider losing weight but they are deterred by an utter lack of support. In fact, it’s not even a lack of support that stops them, it’s sabotage by haters

The haters ask, “Why go on a diet? You’ll just gain back every pound you lost and more and be fatter than you are now

Don’t listen to the haters

People lose weight and keep it off and they do it more than you’d think. One reason why you’re not aware that weight can be lost and the loss maintained is because you see people at a healthy weight and they stay at that healthy weight. What you don’t know is they weren’t always at a healthy weight. They are successful weight managers and they lost weight a long time ago – so long ago nobody remembers when they were overweight/obese and they’re living and staying at the lower weight

There could be somebody next to you right now who once weighed a lot more than she weighs today. People may look at her and think, “she’s so lucky to be thin. She doesn’t know what it’s like to struggle with your weight.” It’s been so long since that person lost a lot of weight that she’s now considered to be “naturally thin

I’ve been maintaining my loss since 1991. Sure, I can share my success story with you and there are plenty more of anecdotal stories but if you want real, hard data proving that it’s possible to lose weight and maintain it check out the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR

The NWCR was established in 1994 by obesity researchers who didn’t accept the 99% failure rate. They started a major study looking to find people who had successfully lost and maintained at least 30 pounds of body weight and the behaviors they had in common. Their research grew to more than 10,000 participants teaching us a lot more about successful weight management than simply that it’s possible

So don’t let the haters keep you from getting what you want, if what you want is lasting weight control. You can have it

Here are 5 things you can do to maintain your weight loss once you reach your goal

1. Weigh in weekly. Weighing in weekly is even more important for keeping off weight than it is for losing weight. Try to weigh in each week, same day, same time, same scale, same clothing (or none if you prefer). If the scale reads more than two pounds above your goal go back to basics. Tracking your food and exercise is the most basic of all basics. It’s important to get a handle on a gain quickly while it’s not too many pounds

2. Two pounds up = Take action now! One big reason weight comes back is because people get complacent about a small gain thinking it’s only going to take a skipped meal or two to get back to goal. It’s not a good plan and even if it were, the complacency keeps any meals from being skipped. Without paying attention two pounds turns into ten and the pounds keep coming. Don’t let the gain go beyond two pounds. It’s easier to take off two than ten

3. Make weekly goals. Complacency is dangerous to weight maintenance. Getting too comfortable and expecting weight to stay off on auto-pilot doesn’t work. Weekly goals keep you aware of your actions and dedicated to your maintenance. You can mix up the goals for variety or stick to the same goal each week. Food-related, tracking related and exercise goals are examples of different categories

4. Keep Moving. The NWCR found through research that members in the registry report physical activity as the most important behavior for maintaining weight loss. Most said they burned 2800 calories a week through physical activity in conjunction with the physical activity that was part of their normal daily lives. The ways they burned calories was almost as numerous as the number of participants in the study. Burning 2800 calories a week is about the same as a daily 4 mile walk at about 3 miles per hour. Physical activity in the form of play, sports, hobbies, or the gym all count. Just find what you love and stay active

5. Celebrate and Believe! When you reach goal, you celebrate. The feeling of weighing less and wearing smaller clothes is exciting! When you catch a glimpse of yourself in a window as you pass by it’s startling and wonderful to realize that slim figure you’re admiring belongs to you. After a while, when the newness wears off complacency sets in. What felt great at first doesn’t feel so great anymore because it’s not new. People can start to feel fat again without actually having gained any weight

The feeling of fat can trigger the default behaviors that caused weight gain in the past and will bring back the lost weight again. If you never believed weight can stay off after having lost it, the pull of the default behaviors is strong and insidious. It’s easy to fall back into old habits without even noticing. That’s why it’s important to celebrate the days, weeks, months and years at goal. These are important and meaningful anniversaries. It’s also important to believe because it’s human nature to act in accordance to what you believe. If you don’t believe you can keep off lost weight you won’t be able to continue to do the things you need to do to maintain

Understanding Weight Loss: How to Lose 20 Pounds by Walking

Understanding Weight Loss: How to Lose 20 Pounds by Walking,Walking is a great way to lose 20 pounds for many reasons, and knowing how to do it effectively will help you reach your goal weight in no time. Walking is enjoyable for most people, easy on your joints, and one of the safest forms of exercise. Many people find they can stick to a walking program long term which is essential for weight maintenance. The key to losing 20 pounds by walking is to set appropriate goals and understand the fundamentals of weight loss

How Long Will it Take Me to Lose 20 Pounds

At a weight loss rate of ½ -1 pound per week, it will likely take you at least 20 weeks to lose 20 pounds. Losing weight at this pace is safe and will help you keep the weight off long term. To accomplish a weight loss of ½ - 1 pound per week, try to burn an extra 250-500 calories per day by walking. If you find you're not burning this many calories by walking alone, simply reduce your calorie intake through diet in addition to walking
How Often Should I Walk

If you're a beginner, start by walking 3 days per week for at least 15-20 minutes. Gradually increase the frequency and duration of your walks until you are walking 30-60 minutes per day, most days of the week. To help keep your walks enjoyable try alternate walking indoors with walking outdoors, watching television during your walks (using a treadmill), or listening to music or a book on tape with headphones. For most people it's not walking they dislike, but becoming bored during the walk. Work walking into your regular routine and make it a priority
How Many Calories Can I Burn By Walking

The number of calories per minute you can burn by walking is determined by your body weight and walking pace. If you walk at a pace of 4 miles per hour (a common pace) you can burn the following amount of calories per minute: 120 lb. person = 4.7 calories; 140 lb. person = 5.5 calories; 160 lb. person = 6.3 calories; 180 lb. person = 7.1 calories; 200 lb. person = 7.8 calories; and 220 lb. person  = 8.6 calories. If you plan to lose 20 pounds by walking alone, try to burn at least 250 extra calories during your walk per day. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds you'd have to walk at least 40 minutes per day at a pace of 4 miles per hour to lose ½ pound per week. If you're unsure of your pace, try walking on a treadmill to give you a better idea
How Can I Lose Weight and Stay Toned

Walking alone will definitely help you lose weight, however adding resistance exercise to your routine will help keep you tight and toned during your weight loss. Try walking with arm or ankle weights some days or interval train a few days per week (alternate power walking with moderately paced walks). On the days you don't walk, try lifting weights, Pilates or strength band training to stay toned while losing 20 pounds