How to Lose Weight Vegetarian Way

How to Lose Weight Vegetarian Way,Becoming vegetarian doesn't mean you'll lose weight. It all depends on what you feed your stomach with and what you do to your body

However, because you're not eating meat, so you actually got an edge over meat-eaters such that your body doesn't need to deal with the toxins, antibiotic residues and bacteria (like E.coli) coming from meat. So in a way, you should lose weight more easily when you apply the vegetarian weight loss tips below
Lose Weight Vegetarian Tip #1 - Skip No Meals

When you feel hungry and still skip a meal, say breakfast, your body will go into starvation mode. During starvation, your body will slow down its metabolic rate to conserve energy until you replenish your body with food supply. By lunch, you start to eat. But because your metabolism is running so slow, your body can only metabolize that much calories for energy use, leaving the huge remaining calories to be stored as fat

To make matter worse, the digestion and absorption power after prolonged starving doubles. That's why when you skip meals, you'll gain weight more easily instead of losing weight

Lose Weight Vegetarian Tip #2 - Eat More Meals

When you eat more meals in a day but in smaller portion sizes, you're in fact keeping your body metabolically active throughout the day because your body is getting a continuous supply of food gradually over time, instead of getting a gush of energy from food in one large meal each from breakfast, lunch and dinner

Ideal number of vegetarian meals for effective weight loss - five. Breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Your meals should comprise high-fiber foods loaded with complex-carbohydrate so you won't feel hungry so fast and easily

Lose Weight Vegetarian Tip #3 - Quit Sugar

Imagine on one hand you're eating those vegetarian weight loss foods, on the other hand you're ingesting weight gain foods, the end result? You lose nothing

Sugar is one of the greatest culprits that makes vegetarians fat and causes you to lose weight doubly hard. That explains why more overweight vegetarians are manifesting. And that also tells you becoming a vegetarian doesn't guarantee weight loss. It depends on what type of vegetarian foods you eat. That said, quit your refined sugar intake totally

If you apply the previous tip and take more fibrous vegetarian foods, you should be able to stop your cravings for sugar instantly and lose weight more easily

Lose Weight Vegetarian Tip #4 - Give Your Stomach 70%

Your stomach doesn't like to be full. So, always feed your stomach to 70% fullness. But a common problem to many people, even vegetarians is they only realize they become 80 or even 100% full 10 - 20 minutes after they finished eating. That's because your stomach needs about 10 - 20 minutes to tell your brain your satiety level, so when you eat, try to reduce your speed by chewing more times than you normally would. This way, you'll find yourself getting no more than 70

To avoid wasting food, always request for the exact portion size you need where possible when you eat out

Lose Weight Vegetarian Tip #5 - Drink Zero Calories

No beverages beat water when it comes to stimulating your metabolism and help you lose more body fat. You might not get used to changing to drinking plain water overnight. Here's what you can do - starting today, take 1/2 a glass for 2 days, then on the 3rd day you increase to one glass and so on. After 8 days, you should be able to replace your unhealthy beverages with just plain water. If you can make changes within 3 days, why not

Lose Weight Vegetarian Tip #6 - Active Rest During Exercising

A study conducted on cycling shows that interval cycling burns more fat than cycling at a steady pace. What does it mean? When you cycle fast, then slow down for "active rest" then speed up again, your metabolism will get boosted up. Same thing applies to any interval training. So long as you don't stay at steady pace as in cardio, you'll lose weight vegetarian more easily and quickly

Lose Weight Vegetarian Tip #7 - Sleep to Lose Weight

Sleeping doesn't necessarily help you lose fat. The key lies in the quality. Some people sleep too long and gain weight, whereas some sleep too short and gain weight too. You should sleep the number of hours you need and make sure you really get into deep sleep in order to achieve best sleep quality for optimum weight loss

These are just appetizers for you to lose weight the vegetarian way, but they're enough to let you see some stunning results in the next 7 days
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