Walking to Lose Weight And Tone Your Bum

Walking to Lose Weight And Tone Your Bum,It`s free, it`s easy, you can do it almost anywhere and it`s a great exercise for all ages.  Walking is the one thing that, if done regularly, will almost guarantee your increased health and decreased fat

We need a deficit of 3500 calories per week to lose one pound of fat and as brisk walking uses approximately 100 calories per mile on an average sized man (slightly less for a women-annoyingly), even a relatively short walk of 3 miles per day would result in weight loss.  Providing of course you`re eating the correct amount of the RIGHT foods

Always start out slowly for the first 5 or 10 minutes, so that the muscles have a chance to warm up, rather than striding out briskly like a whippet from the trap. Starting at a slower pace lets your muscles know that you'll be moving for a while and enables you to burn off stored fat rather than sugars, which happens in short bursts of activity

As a rule of thumb, you should walk at the sort of pace which still enables you to hold a conversation without gasping for breath.  Imagine that you have an appointment that you really need to make and that should help.  You want to be increasing your heart rate, but not so that`s it`s almost bursting out of your chest

It`s easy to find excuses as to why you shouldn`t go out walking, so make a timetable of the days you plan to go and the distance you aim to cover.  It`s important that you have a target, so that you can measure how much progress you`ve made.  Work up to walking for an hour 3 – 4 times per week.  Going with a buddy is another great idea to keep you committed, after all, you don't want to let them down do you

If you`re just starting out as a walker, increase your distance every day, rather than trying to go as fast as possible over short stretches.  You will improve your overall fitness as well as tone up the stubborn thigh and buttock area.  Always a bonus

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